MISP and ThreatQuotient / ThreatQ are two popular threat intelligence platforms (TIPs) with extensive features for working with threat intelligence at different levels of granularity.To choose between these two options you’ll need to understand the main differences between them to decide which one is the best fit for your use case.
MISP is a free, open-source TIP that you can use if you are willing to host the platform on your own infrastructure. However, you will need to rely on the open-source community for support, and there’s no guarantee of a quick response… or any response at all!
Alternatively, you could opt for a managed and supported version of MISP, like CloudMISP, which comes with a support SLA.
Meanwhile, ThreatQuotient is a commercial TIP that promises enterprise-grade support. While this means paying a premium, you can expect commercial support to promptly address any issues or queries you encounter.
MISP's codebase is open source, reviewed, and patched by a community of software engineers. The platform gets regular updates, new features, and security patches thanks to its thriving developer community. However, open-source development can be variable depending on the community's energy and enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, ThreatQuotient's codebase is closed source and managed by a dedicated software engineering team. This closed-doors approach to code development means users have to rely on the company's track record for security and quality. However, it also ensures ThreatQuotient will be consistently maintained.
While MISP is a free, open-source platform, it comes without a guarantee on support and updates unless you use a managed MISP service like CloudMISP.
ThreatQuotient is a commercial TIP that comes with a support SLA, ensuring prompt assistance when needed. Ultimately, it is a question of weighing up the cost of the solution against the specific requirements of your organisation.
If MISP seems like the best fit for your organisation, we recommend CloudMISP, our managed MISP service.