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February 21, 2024

My Washing Machine Refreshed My Thinking on Software Effort Estimation

I recently had a saga with a washing machine that reminded me why one of the most feared and hated tasks for software developers starts with the question: “So how long will it take you to build that?”

February 21, 2024

SOC Maturity Assessment in Australia: Our Approach

Day-to-day firefighting in SOCs (Security Operations Centres) can make it hard to see the bigger picture. A steady drum-beat of alerts and incidents can blur your focus. That’s why it’s so important to step back, breathe, and look at the current state of your SOC with a fresh set of eyes.Whether it's via an internal SOC maturity assessment with a popular model like SIM3, or an external consultant with deep SOC expertise, a new perspective can help uncover blind spots you might have missed in the rush to keep on top of the day-to-day demands of security operations.

February 21, 2024

Meet Prescott Pym, Principal Security Consultant at Cosive

In this interview, we sit down with Prescott Pym, a cybersecurity expert with over 25 years of experience in both government and enterprise sectors. Based in Canberra, Prescott has built a career around InfoSec, drawn to the dynamic challenges of the field since his early exposure to technology in the 80s. Now, as a consultant at Cosive, he helps organizations strengthen their security operations and CTI programs. Beyond his professional life, Prescott is deeply committed to his community and family, balancing a demanding career with personal growth. In this conversation, he reflects on his journey, shares insights into the cybersecurity industry, and offers advice for those looking to break into the field.

February 21, 2024

Cosive hires ex-Deloitte Prescott Pym as Principal Consultant

Security operations and cyber threat intelligence firm Cosive has appointed Prescott Pym as a Principal Security Consultant.

February 21, 2024

Using the CTI-CMM Model to Evaluate Threat Intel Program Maturity

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know exactly what CTI means. Of course, you know it stands for Cyber Threat Intelligence, and you might have a general sense it has something to do with staying on top of threats. How, though, do you actually build a successful CTI program in an organisation? What activities should it perform? What should it produce? For who?