Feedly for Threat Intelligence

An AI-powered threat intelligence engine that helps you stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries.
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Unlock a more efficient way to research and discover relevant security threats

Feedly offers a powerful Threat Intelligence platform designed to help organisations quickly discover and analyse security threats. Utilising AI and machine learning, Feedly gathers, processes, and prioritises threat intelligence from millions of sources in real-time, providing proactive insights into the evolving threat landscape.

The platform enables your analysts to monitor critical vulnerabilities, research specific threat actors and malware families, and track cyber attacks relevant to your industry. With near real-time updates on attacks and vulnerabilities, Feedly for Threat Intelligence gives you the ability to respond quickly to threats.

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Comprehensive insights

Feedly's comprehensive approach includes insights from a wide array of sources, including security news, threat research blogs, vendor advisories, government agencies, vulnerability databases, and social media. The platform's advanced AI models, Feedly AI, efficiently process and analyse vast amounts of data, saving time and accelerating research by up to 70%. The platform also assists in automating workflows and sharing intelligence with leadership and operations teams seamlessly.

Feedly offers simple pricing options for small organisations and advanced packages for security teams. With Feedly's Threat Intelligence platform, organisations can stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries, mitigate vulnerabilities, and enhance their cybersecurity posture with confidence.

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